Welcome to Unsigned Hub -portal of the free!!

If you live in the U.K and creating music is your passion then you are in the right place . Sounds and lyrics , Photography , Art , Poetry – all linked together by those few jangling notes from you – the Unsigned. This is YOUR talent and we want to hear it and see it , a portal showcasing your creativity and all those who are on the journey with you . Your friends taking photos of you or your band , the mates making funky t-shirts and badges , the logo designer and that lone artist quietly watching it all unfold .

“Nobody has heard me really , I just do it because I love it”………………………….

Wrong! Somebody, somewhere has heard you – that face in the crowd , who was it???

Let Unsigned Hub help you , we are all musicians ourselves – Rock n Rollers from times gone by who love to hear new music , see new performers , admire new art. If you want to send us a link , post an E.P , invite us to local show or write an independent review then get in touch: contact.us@unsignedhub.com

Cheers and hope to speak soon.

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